Wine Quality Dataset:

Quality of red wine based on its chemical composition is studied through various physicochemical tests and the data is recorded in the wine_quality dataset.
Attributes in the dataset:

  1. Feature 1: Residual Sugar (g/cm3)
  2. Feature 2: Chlorides (g/cm3)
  3. Feature 3: Free Sulfur dioxide (g/cm3)
  4. Feature 4: Total Sulfur dioxide (g/cm3)
  5. Feature 5: Density (g/cm3)
  6. Feature 6: pH
  7. Feature 7: Sulphates (g/cm3)
  8. Feature 8: Alcohol (% by volume)
  9. Quality: Score between 0 to 10 (Score >= 6 is considered to be of “Good” quality wine and score < 6 is considered to be of “Bad” quality wine)

Section A

Section B

Section C